What are Your Politics?
To characterize your politics on the Nolan Chart begin by responding to the ten questions below.

The questions are grouped into two categories: Personal Freedom and Economic Freedom.

For each question provide one of three possible responses: Totally Disagree, Agree, Somewhat, or Totally Agree.

Then hit the Get Your Score! button to see your score and where you are on the political spectrum.

Personal Freedom
Totally Disagree
(0 points)
Agree, Somewhat
(10 points)
Totally Agree
(20 points)
Morality and religion are important personal matters that should not be defined or enforced by government.
Only behavior which causes physical or financial harm or that endangers other people should be: a) illegal and b) punishable by government.
Adult drug, alcohol and tobacco use and prostitution are private matters unless they endanger or harm non-participants.
First and second trimester abortion is a matter of personal choice.
Government should only use force to a) punish behavior involving harm to others and b) prevent or respond to attacks by foreign enemies.

Economic Freedom
Totally Disagree
(0 points)
Agree, Somewhat
(10 points)
Totally Agree
(20 points)
Generally society prospers more if money is spent by people rather than by government.
The only business activities that should be illegal involve theft, fraud and financial or physical harm.
You should not be forced to pay taxes that benefit special interests such as subsidies, corporate welfare and foreign aid.
Increased prosperity and reduced consumer prices offset most negative economic impacts of globalization.
Although charity and sharing are virtues; wealthy people do not have a moral obligation (i.e. should not be forced) to assist the needy.